Creating projects

In IBM® Cognos® Framework Manager, you work in the context of a project. The project contains objects that you organize for your users according to the business model and business rules of your organization. You view these objects in the project page.

Before you begin

Before you can import metadata, you must create a project.

For information about creating a project segment, see Creating segments.

For information about creating a project using the Model Design Accelerator, see Creating a project.


  1. From the Welcome page, click Create a new project. If you are already in Framework Manager, click File, New.
  2. In the New Project page, specify a name and location for the project, and click OK.

    By default, a new project uses dynamic query mode. To use compatible query mode, clear the Use Dynamic Query Mode check box. For more information, see Enabling Framework Manager models and packages to use the dynamic query mode.

  3. In the Select Language page, click the design language for the project.

    You cannot change the language you select after you click OK, but you can add other project languages. For more information, see Adding a language to a project.

    For more information about choosing the proper design language for durable models, see Durable models.

    Note: If an SAP BW server does not support the selected language, it uses the content locale mapping in IBM Cognos Configuration. If a mapping is not defined, Framework Manager uses the default language of the SAP BW server.

  4. Click OK to select the design language.

    The Metadata Wizard displays.

  5. Choose whether to import your metadata now or later:
    • To import now, select the import source and click Next.
    • To delay importing metadata, click Cancel.
  6. If you chose to import the metadata now, follow the instructions in the Metadata Wizard:
    • Select a data source connection and click Next.

      If the data source connection you want is not listed, you must first create it.

    • Select the check boxes for the objects you want to import.
    • Specify how the import should handle duplicate object names. Choose whether to import and create a unique name. If you choose to create a unique name, the imported object displays with a number. For example, you see QuerySubject and QuerySubject1 in your project.
    • If you want to import system objects, select the Show System Objects check box, and then select the system objects that you want to import.
    • Specify the criteria to use to create relationships and click Import.

      For more information, see Relationships.

    You see a list of objects that could not be imported and a count of objects that were imported.

  7. Click Finish.

    Save the project file (.cpf) and all related files in one folder. When you save a project with a different name or format, ensure that you save the project in a separate folder.