Use the guidelines in this topic when configuring
the connection strings for data source connections using Kerberos
single sign-on.
- In the Signon section, select external namespace and
select the Active Directory namespace from the list. For dual tab
(Native and JDBC) connection strings, the Signon section is on the
Native tab.
- In the Connection properties field,
specify ibmcognos.authentication=java_krb5,
and then add the properties required by the JDBC driver for Kerberos
authentication, if any. For data source connections with dual tab
(Native and JDBC), this field is on the JDBC tab
and is called JDBC Connection Parameters.
Cognos® Analytics is installed on a computer that
are running Microsoft Windows operating systems, you
do not have to specify ibmcognos.authentication=java_krb5 for Microsoft SQL Server and Teradata
data source connections.
- Test the data source connection.
The following are examples for data source connection
properties for some data sources:
For Teradata data source connections:
For SAP-HANA data source connections:
For Microsoft SQL
Server data source connections: