Forecasting options
You can modify your forecasts by setting a number of period and confidence level options in the Analytics panel.

The following options are available.
- Forecast periods
- The number of steps to forecast ahead.
- Ignored last periods
- Ignores a specified number of data points at the end of a time series when building the model and computing the forecasts. Any missing values at the end of a non-ignored portion of a series will also be forecast. Ignored last periods value must be specified as a non-negative integer, such as: 0, 1, 2, 3.
- Confidence level
- The certainty with which the true value is expected to be within the given range. You can see corresponding confidence interval in a tooltip by hovering over any forecast value. The confidence interval is displayed as upper and lower bounds.
- Seasonal period
- The seasonality with which to build the model. Seasonality is when the time series has a
predictable cyclic variation. For example, during a holiday period each year.
The default value is Auto. Auto automatically detects seasonality by building multiple models with different seasonal periods and choosing the best one.
When visualizations have both Insights and Forecasts, you can enable both of them in the Analytics panel. Insights provide an independent set of analytic results. For more information, see Insights in visualizations.