Using other data modules as data module sources

Existing data modules can be used as sources for other data modules.

Data modules Icon denoting a data module are saved in Team content or My content.

The tables in the new data module remain linked to the source data module, which is indicated by the linked table icon Icon denoting linked module.

Linked tables cannot be modified and are read-only. Relationships that are defined in the source module can be included in the data module as referenced relationships. If these relationships don't exist, they need to be recreated in the new module.

As long as a table remains linked to the source data module, any changes to the table in the source module are reflected in the new data module. If you break the link by using the Break link or Convert context menu, you can edit the table. However, changes to the table in the source module are no longer reflected in the new module.

In the following image from Cognos® Analytics 11.2.3, the Product cost - new (Data module panel) data module is created from the Product cost (Source panel) data module. The tables in the Product cost - new data module are linked to the tables in the Product cost data module, which is indicated by the teal-colored icons.

Image of a data module that is created from another data module
Important: Starting with Cognos Analytics 11.2.4, the Break link option is completely replaced by the Convert option and removed from the product.

When you use source data modules that contain either shortcuts Shortcut type of table or aliases Alias type of table, shortcuts are created in the new data module for both the shortcut and alias tables. These shortcuts continue referencing the shortcut and alias tables in the source data module. Changes to the shortcuts and aliases in the source module are reflected in the new data module. One of the benefits of using shortcuts is their ability to inherit the relationships that are defined in the source data module.

Tip: When you drag and drop a table from a source data module to the new data module, a linked table is created in the data tree of the new module, which is indicated by the teal color icon Icon denoting linked module. If the table that you drag and drop is a shortcut or alias, a shortcut Shortcut type of table (black color icon) is created in the new data module. This shortcut references the shortcut or alias in the source module. This action is an equivalent of creating a shortcut in the new module and relinking the shortcut to a shortcut or alias in the source module.

For more information, Converting referenced tables and Relinking referenced tables.