Basic natural language details

Basic natural language details provide extra summaries of the data that is displayed in the visualization or highlight the available information with extra details.


This information provides a more rounded view of the data while still being relevant to displayed summaries that you are considering. Changing the summarization level that is specified for the response field also changes some or all the basic details since the focus of the visualization was changed. Additional information is provided in the context of the main task.


Computed basic details depend on the summarization level that is specified for the response field in the corresponding visualization. Possible response summarization levels are count distinct and count for any field and sum, average, minimum, and maximum for numerical fields. While count-based details are used for most of the response summarization levels, extra matching summaries are provided with response summarization levels sum, average, minimum, and maximum. The same count-based summaries are generated for both count and count distinct response summarization levels.


Overall count

Overall count is displayed for the response and any explanatory field in the visualization. The count does not include missing values of the response and it is computed except if summarization level for response is sum or average. All categorical fields that are specified in the visualization are treated as explanatory fields for details purposes.

Count for explanatory fields

Count is also computed for each category of the displayed explanatory field except if summarization level for response is sum. The algorithm selects and reports top categories, corresponding counts, and count percentages relative to the overall count for the explanatory field. This procedure is applied to each explanatory field in the chart.


When the displayed summarization level is sum for a numeric response field, IBM® Cognos Analytics summarizes the corresponding total sum for the response field. If the visualization contains multiple explanatory categorical fields, the sum is computed for each category and each explanatory field. The algorithm selects and reports the top categories, corresponding sums, and sum percentages relative to the total sum for each explanatory field.


When the displayed summarization level is average for a numeric response field, Cognos Analytics summarizes the corresponding overall average for the response field.


Range summaries are given by the minimum and the maximum when summarization level sum or average are computed for a numeric response field across combination categories of specified explanatory fields. If only a single explanatory field is specified, the categories where minimum and maximum occur are displayed as well.

Minimum and maximum

When the displayed summarization level is a minimum or maximum for a numeric response field, Cognos Analytics displays the corresponding minimum or maximum value across all categories of an explanatory categorical field. If multiple explanatory categorical fields are specified, minimum or maximum is computed across all possible category combinations.