Setting up connectivity to Oracle data sources

To connect to Oracle data sources, the IBM® Cognos® dynamic query mode can use the same Oracle JDBC driver to perform either Type 2 or Type 4 Oracle JDBC connections.

About this task

The type of Oracle JDBC driver depends on the version of Java™ used with the IBM Cognos Analytics installation.
Important: When using the dynamic query mode to perform a Type 2 Oracle JDBC connection, you must install the Oracle native libraries.


  1. On the computer where the Oracle client is installed, go to the ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib directory.
  2. Locate and copy the following JDBC driver file, based on your Java version, to the cognos_analytics_server_install_location\drivers directory.
    Table 1. Oracle JDBC driver files based on the Java version
    Java version JDBC driver file name
    1.5 ojdbc5.jar
    1.6 ojdbc6.jar
  3. Set the following required environment variable for your operating system.
    Table 2. Environment variables for Oracle databases
    Platform Oracle environment variable Value
    Linux® LD_LIBRARY_PATH the directory where the Oracle client ociJDBCXX library is installed,

    where XX is the version of Oracle

    Microsoft Windows PATH the directory where the Oracle clientociJDBCXX library is installed,

    where XX is the version of Oracle

  4. Locate the cognos_analytics_server_install_location\v5dataserver\ file and rename it to
  5. In a text editor, open the renamed file.
  6. Set the databaseJNIPath property to the directory that contains the ociJDBCxx library, where xx is the Oracle version.
  7. Save the changes and close the file.
  8. For changes to take effect, stop and restart the IBM Cognos service.

What to do next

After you copy the driver files for your data source, users can create dynamic cubes. For more information, see the Dynamic cube modeling chapter of the IBM Cognos Dynamic Cubes User Guide.