Changing the search mode in a Search and select prompt

The Search & select prompt control supports two ways of retrieving data when a user performs search in the prompt.

This functionality is available only for interactive reports (reports where the Run with full interactivity property is turned on), starting with Cognos® Analytics 12.0.2.

About this task

The search behavior in the Search & select prompt is controlled by the Request mode property. This property has two settings:

This setting uses a POST request to fetch the search data, and replaces the whole HTML prompt page. This is the standard prompt behavior in Cognos Analytics before version 12.0.2.
This setting uses a simple HTTP fetch request to search the data, and updates the prompt control with the data without refreshing the whole prompt page. This prompt behavior is available starting with Cognos Analytics 12.0.2.
Note: In classic reports, the Request mode property is not available.


  1. Click the Search & select prompt control in the prompt page.
  2. In the Properties pane, the General section, click the Request mode property, and select either Modern or Legacy.