Tighter integration of asset loading with data server connections

In all offerings of Cognos Analytics 12.0.4, two additions to the Cognos Analytics interface highlight the interdependence between data server connections and the loading of assets:

This feature was already made available to Cognos Analytics on Cloud On-Demand users in release 12.0.3 IF2.

Assets page in the Create data server connection wizard

When you create a data server connection, you can now load assets (also known as metadata) for the connection before you exit from the Create data server connection wizard.

Before you can create a data module from a data server connection, you must load assets from the data server. As of release 12.0.4, a new Assets page appears at the end of the Create data server connection wizard. This page gives you the option to load assets for the data server connection that you just created. .

Assets page in Create data server connection wizard

For more information, see Creating a data server connection.

Loading assets at the data server level

In a previous release, the option to load assets at the Data servers/connection_name level was introduced. You can access this option by first hovering over an existing connection for a selected data server. As of 12.0.4, you can also load assets at the Data servers level. In the list of data servers, hover over a data server name, click the Action menu icon Action menu icon, and then select Assets. If the data server has more than one connection, you are prompted to choose the connection for which the assets will be loaded.

assets menu from the data server level

For more information, see these topics: