If you use a dimensionally-modeled data source, you can
create a chart that allows you to drill down to lower-level data or
drill up to higher-level data.
Drilling up and down allows you to view more general or more detailed
information on your data within a predefined dimensional hierarchy.
This is an example of a dimensional hierarchy:
Years - Year - Quarter - Month
Before you begin
Before you begin, ensure that you are using a dimensionally-modeled
data source.
- Open a chart that uses a dimensionally-modeled data source.
Click the Show properties icon
, click the select ancestor
, click Report, and then, in
the DATA section, double-click Advanced drill
On the Basic tab, in the Report output drill
capabilities section, select the Allow drill-up and drill-down
check box.
By default, the system determines which items can be drilled on based on the dimensional
On the Basic tab, you can make drilling unavailable for any data item by
selecting the item in either the Disable drill-up for box or the
Disable drill-down for box.
On the Advanced tab, you can change the drill-up or drill-down behavior
for any parameter by selecting the parameter and then choosing one of the desired behaviors.
The chart generates links for any item that can be drilled
down on.You can drill down or drill up by right-clicking and choosing
the action from the context menu. The menu items are unavailable if
an item cannot be drilled up or down on.