IBM Cognos Configuration command-line options

Use command-line options with the configuration command to modify the behavior of IBM® Cognos® Configuration when it starts.
Table 1. Command line options and descriptions




Displays commands for IBM Cognos Configuration.


Runs IBM Cognos Configuration in silent mode.

Uses property values specified in the cogstartup.xml file to configure installed components and then starts all services.

./ -s

cogconfig.bat -s


Stops all IBM Cognos services.

./ -stop

cogconfig.bat -stop

-startupfile path/filename.xml

Runs IBM Cognos Configuration using a file other than the cogstartup.xml file in the install_location/configuration directory.


Uses property values specified in the cogstartup.xml file to test configuration settings.

./ -test

cogconfig.bat -test


Starts IBM Cognos Configuration with the automatic testing tasks disabled.

./ -notest

cogconfig.bat -notest

This option should not be used for the first time you start the product or if you are making configuration changes.


Saves the configuration in UTF-8 encoding.

./ -s -utf8

cogconfig.bat -s -utf8

-l language ID

Runs IBM Cognos Configuration using the language specified by the language identifier.

To run the configuration tool in silent mode using Simplified Chinese

./ -l zh-cn

cogconfig.bat -l zh-cn

-e filename.xml

Exports the current configuration settings to the specified file.

./ -e filename.xml

cogconfig.bat -e filename.xml


Creates a cogconfig.timestamp.log error log file in the cognos_location/logs directory.

./ -log

cogconfig.bat -log

The log file, cogconfig.log, will be created by default without the -log option in the cognos_location/logs directory.


Enables debug logging in the log file. You need to use it in conjunction with the -log option.

The log file, cogconfig.log, will be created by default. You can use the -d option without using -log option.


Saves the IBM Cognos Configuration in silent mode. Loads property values specified in the cogstartup.xml file into IBM Cognos Configuration, then saves it in silent mode without starting the services.

./ -config

cogconfig.bat -config

You can use more than one command-line option at a time. For example, you can run IBM Cognos Configuration in silent mode and send all error messages to a log file.