Running a Report That Contains Members

If you are using members in a report and your modeler has updated the data source in a way that changes member unique names, the following problems may arise when you run the report.
  • If the report queries an OLAP data source, you receive an error message explaining that some specific members cannot be found.
  • If the report queries a dimensionally modeled relational (DMR) data source, data items whose member unique names have changed do not appear in the report. Calculations that refer to members that have changed no longer contain values from the members.

To resolve these problems, you must update the member unique names in the report. Open the query that contains the members that you need to update in Query Explorer. Delete the member from the pane in which it appears and reinsert it from the Source tab. For example, if you inserted the member as a detail filter, delete it from the Detail Filters pane and reinsert it.