Removing a user from the subscription

If you are a Subscription administrator for IBM® Cognos® Analytics on Demand, you can remove users from your subscription.

When a user is removed, any public content they created will remain. However, any content in the My Content folder will be lost. Adding a user back to the subscription will not restore their My Content.

For each user you want to remove, follow these steps:


  1. Log in to your My IBM Dashboard.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Manage users.
    The Manage Users page appears:
    The Manage users page
  3. Locate the user.
    • Search on partial text in the user's name, email, or IBM ID.
    • Click License users, Subscription administrators, or Pending invitations to filter on that category.
    • Click Filter to filter on the user's status.
  4. Click the down chevron icon Down chevron icon at the end of the row containing the user's name to expand the user's information.
    Page showing expanded user information
  5. If you want to remove the user from your subscription, click Remove user.
  6. If you want to change the role of the user, change the check box selections in the Roles section.
    Note: If you leave both the Subscription administrator and the License user check boxes unselected, the user will be removed from the subscription.
  7. Click Save.


The user is removed from the subscription or their role is updated, depending on what you selected.
Note: Users can also remove themselves from the subscription by selecting Remove me as a user in the navigation menu their my dashboard menu. See the following figure:
Page showing expanded user information