On-Demand subscription roles

There are two types of subscription roles in Cognos® Analytics on Cloud On-Demand: subscription administrators and license users.

Subscription administrator role

As the Subscription administrator, you can make the following changes to your registered Cognos Analytics on Cloud On-Demand plan:

  • Add or remove users to the Standard or Premium subscription.
  • Assign users to one of these role combinations:
    • Subscription administrator role
    • License user role
    • Both the subscription administrator role and the license user role
  • Send an email to users inviting them to use Cognos Analytics on Cloud On-Demand.
  • Cancel the Cognos Analytics on Cloud On-Demand plan for users.

License user role

License users can use Cognos Analytics on Cloud On-Demand with the functionality that is defined for their subscription level. For example, if you registered them for a Standard subscription, License users will not be able to create reports. If you want the users to be able to create reports, you must upgrade them to a Premium subscription.

The following table shows the Cognos Analytics functionality that is available for the Standard and Premium subscription levels:

Functionality Standard Premium
Dashboarding Yes Yes
Stories Yes Yes
Exploration No Yes
AI Assistant Yes Yes
Mobile app Yes Yes
Reporting: Create or Edit reports No Yes
Reporting: Run reports (in html, csv, Excel, and other formats) No Yes
Reporting: Schedule reports and jobs No Yes
Reporting: Save report output in Cognos No Yes
Reporting: Set report bursting No No
Reporting: Receive burst reports No No
Reporting: View saved report output (1) Yes Yes
Reporting: Receive reports sent by email (2) Yes Yes
Reporting: View and interact with active reports Yes Yes
Note: Please note the following clarifications:
  1. Viewing the saved report output is not the same as running a report. Standard users can view a report output file (html, csv, and so on) if it was saved by a Premium user in Team content.
  2. Receiving reports by email is not the same as receiving burst reports. For example, the Premium users can choose the Send report by email delivery option, and add standard users' emails to the list of recipients.

The License users can perform these tasks:

  • Remove themselves from the subscription.
  • Launch and use Cognos Analytics on Demand.
  • In Cognos Analytics on Demand, create custom groups and roles in the Cognos namespace to which content can be secured.
    Important notes about Cognos namespace groups and roles:
    • The two Cognos Analytics on Demand subscription roles (Subscription administrators and License users) serve a different purpose than the Cognos namespace roles.
    • In Cognos Analytics on Demand, the standard built-in groups and roles in the Cognos namespace do not exist.