Support for Microsoft Analysis Services 2022 (ODBO and XMLA)

Cognos® Analytics supports the Microsoft Analysis Services 2022 data server (ODBO and XMLA).

Existing connections that are moved to this server might lose signons.

Reports that were created against previous versions of the data server still work after they are switched to use the new client and server. The client and server versions must match.

Similar to other Microsoft Analysis Services MSOLAP versions, the Microsoft Analysis Services MSOLAP client must be installed to the same location as the report server. For this version of Microsoft Analysis Services, the MSOLAP version 16 client is required.

To create a connection to the new data server from the Manage > Data server connections administration interface, select the generic Microsoft Analysis Services data server connection type, and then select 2022 (ODBO).

Note: The Microsoft Analysis Services 2022 (ODBO) data server type is not available in the Administration console.

For more information, see Data servers.