Adding images and shapes

Improve the look and feel of your dashboards and stories by adding images and shapes.


  1. Click the Widgets icon Widgets icon.
    If you don't see the Widgets icon, click the Edit icon Edit icon.
  2. To add an image from the Widgets tab, complete the following actions:
    1. If you want to position the image widget yourself, drag the Image icon to the canvas. If you want the widget to fill the next available pane in the template, click the Image icon Image icon.
    2. Enter the URL, and press Enter to save it.
      Note these requirements for images:
      • Use one of the following formats for images: JPEG, JPG, GIF, PNG
      • Use HTTP or HTTPS (secure HTTP) format. URLs are validated for format only; you must ensure that the link is valid.
  3. If your administrator has customized the Widgets panel with additional images:
    1. Select the Images tab.
    2. Click an image to add it to your dashboard.
  4. To add a shape, complete one of the following actions:
    • If you want to position the shape yourself, drag the shape that you want to the canvas.
    • If you want the shape to fill the next available pane in the template, click the icon for the shape.