Modify the report style

You can define whether your report uses the default styles for this version or the styles from a previous version.


  1. Click the Show properties icon the show properties icon.
  2. Click Report styles version and select one of the following options:
    • To work with classes in the default style sheet, click 10.x.
    • To work with classes that were used in IBM® Cognos® 8, click 8.x.

      Use 8.x report styles when you are working with reports created in IBM Cognos 8 and you want to preserve their original appearance.

    • To work with classes that were used in IBM Cognos ReportNet, click 1.x.

      Use 1.x report styles when you are working with reports created in ReportNet and you want to preserve their original appearance.

    • To work with classes that have minimal styling defined, click Simplified.

      This option is useful when creating financial reports.

    • To work with the latest style version, click Latest.

      Currently, the latest style version is 11.6.