Dashboards and stories

IBM® Cognos® Analytics with Watson provides dashboards and stories to communicate your insights and analysis. You can assemble a view that contains visualizations, such as a graph, chart, plot, table, map, or any other visual representation of data. You can customize a dashboard, story, or visualization by changing its visual properties.


A dashboard helps you to monitor events or activities at a glance by providing key insights and analysis about your data on one or more pages or screens. You can explore the data that is shown in a visualization by using the interactive title, drilling up or down columns, and viewing the details of a data point.

You can change the visualization type or change the columns that are used in the visualization. You can use filters to focus on one area of your data or to see the impact of one column, and you can use calculations to answer questions that cannot be answered by the source columns.

For information about managing dashboards, see Managing content.


A story is a type of view that contains a set of scenes that are displayed in sequence over time. Types of stories include slide show and guided journey.

Stories are similar to dashboards because they also use visualizations to share your insights. Stories differ from dashboards because they provide an over-time narrative and can convey a conclusion or recommendation.

For example, each slide in a story contains an analysis, insight, or piece of information that is revealed as the viewer runs a slide show. The slides build upon each other until the final slide, which provides a conclusion or summary. You can also create the effect of animation by having visualizations and objects appear and disappear during a scene in a story.

You can quickly assemble a story by reusing analysis, insights, and visualizations that you set aside in your collection of pins. You can also add new visualizations, media, web pages, images, shapes, and text to your story.

For information about managing stories, see Managing content.