More granular Reporting capabilities

As of release 11.2.3, the Reporting Capability is enhanced to give Directory Administrators more flexibility. Previously, users with access to the secured features for Bursting, HTML content, and SQL content could either both edit and run the associated code - or they could do neither.

Now there is a separate secured feature for each task:

  • Edit Burst Definition allows users to author burst reports.
  • Generate Burst Output allows users to run burst reports.
  • Edit HTML Items allows users to edit the HTMLItem button and hyperlink elements of the report specification when they author reports.
  • Run HTML Items allows users to use the HTMLItem button and hyperlinks.
  • Edit User Defined SQL allows users to edit the SQL statements directly in the query specification.
  • Run User Defined SQL allows users to run the query specifications that contain SQL statements.
Reporting capabilities

For more information, see these topics: