Adding data

Add data to a report by loading packages or data modules in IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting.

About this task

You can add data from multiple packages that use the dynamic query mode, from a single package that uses the compatible query mode, or from multiple data modules. However, you cannot combine data modules and packages as sources in the same report.

The following list specifies the conditions and limitations that exist when authoring reports that reference multiple packages or data modules.

  • One of the packages or data modules must be set as the default.

    The first package or data module that you add to a report automatically becomes the default. You can change this default. When a report is run, Cognos Analytics checks the capabilities of only the default package or data module. You cannot delete the default package or data module from the report, but you can replace it.

  • A query can reference only one package or one data module.
  • Query set operations (join, union, intercept, except) are supported only for the default package or data module.
  • Authored drill-through and master-detail relationships are supported only for the default package or data module.
  • Navigation paths in data modules are not available when creating a union, except, intersect, join, or custom SQL query in Reporting.

    The navigation paths for these types of queries must be created directly in data modules. For more information, see Creating navigation paths.

Note: There are limitations to using dimensional data sources in a report. For more information, see Limitations when using dimensional data sources.


  1. Click the Sources icon Source tab.
  2. Click the Add report data icon new icon.
  3. Select the package or data module that you want.
  4. If you added multiple packages or data modules, and want to specify a different package or data module as the default one, right-click it, and select Set default package or Set default data module.
  5. To delete a non-default package or data module, right-click it, and select Delete package or Delete data module.
  6. To replace a package or data module, right-click it and select Replace package or Replace data module.
    If queries exist that use the package or data module that you are replacing, model paths in the queries are updated to the new package or data module.
    Tip: You can also change the package or data module that is used by a query by modifying the Data source query property.