Add Dimension Information to a Query

Add dimension information to a query when the data source has no dimension information available or when you want to override, extend, or restrict the information.

Add dimension information if any of the following apply:

  • There is no dimension information available in the data source.

    For example, the data source contains flat data that you want to model dimensionally.

  • You want to override the dimension information in the data source.
  • You want to extend or restrict dimension information in the data source.

If you do not add dimension information and the data source contains dimensions, then the dimension structure of the data source is used. If the data source contains no dimensions, IBM® Cognos® Analytics with Watson creates a default dimension structure.

Dimension information is not intended to define the presentation of information, but to help query planning. Dimension information can be considered as a form of query hint. In addition, users will not be able to drill down on dimensions that you add to a report.

Note: Adding dimension information is not supported in reports that use the dynamic query mode.


  1. Click the Queries icon Queries icon, and click a query.
  2. Click the Show properties icon Show properties icon, and in the Properties pane, set the Override dimension info property to Yes.
  3. Double-click the query.

    The Dimension Info tab appears in the work area.

  4. Click the Dimension info tab.
  5. Click the Insertable objects icon Insertable objects, click the Source tab source tab, drag the data item to the Dimensions pane.

    IBM Cognos Analytics - Reporting automatically generates the entire dimension.

  6. To create a new dimension, click the Toolbox icon The toolbox icon and drag Dimension to the Dimensions pane, and then build the new dimension by adding objects to the dimension:
    • To create a level, drag Level.
    • To create a level hierarchy, drag Level hierarchy.
    • To create a member hierarchy, drag Member hierarchy.

    For information about these objects, see Add dimensional data to a report.

  7. Click the Data icon, and from the Source tab, drag data items to the objects you added in the previous step.

    For example, if you created a level, define a key by dragging a data item to the Keys folder.

  8. To create a fact, from the Source tab, drag a data item to the Facts pane.