Add a bookmark

Add a bookmark so that users can quickly move from one part of a report to another. For example, a list report contains many rows of data. You add bookmarks so that users can move to specific rows.

You can also drill through to another report.

If you want to use page numbers to move from one part of a report to another, you can also create a table of contents.

Bookmarks work for reports produced in HTML format or PDF. In HTML format, they work best when viewing saved report outputs, as the entire report appears in a single HTML page. When reports are run interactively, more than one HTML page may be generated, and a bookmark works only if the target exists in the page currently being viewed.

If you run a saved report using a URL, and you specify a bookmark within the URL, you always go to the first page of the report. The bookmark defined in the URL is not honored. For more information about using URLs to run reports, see the Administration and Security Guide.

Tip: You can reduce the number of HTML pages generated when a report is run interactively by specifying a value for the Rows per page property for a data container in the report.
Tip: The Briefing Book sample report in the GO Sales (analysis) package includes bookmarks.


  1. Click the Toolbox icon The toolbox icon, drag a Bookmark bookmark icon object to the report.
  2. Click the bookmark and, in the Properties pane, set the Source type property to a source type.

    Source type



    Creates a static bookmark using a text value.

    For example, a list has sections and you want users to jump from each section to the top of the report.

    Report expression

    Creates a dynamic bookmark whose values are derived from an expression that you define.

    Data item value

    Creates a dynamic bookmark that has data as possible values. This is useful for creating a context-based bookmark.

    For example, a list has sections and you want users to jump from the top of the report to a specific section.

    Note: This source type appears only if the bookmark is inserted next to a data item.

    Data item label

    Creates a bookmark that has the label of a data item as its value. Use this source type to jump to the first occurrence of a data item label.

    For example, a list is divided into sections using Product line. You want users to jump to the first product line section that appears in the list rather than to a specific section, such as Camping Equipment.

    Note: This source type appears only if the bookmark is inserted next to a data item.

    Member caption

    In a crosstab, creates a dynamic bookmark that uses member captions as possible values.

    Cell value

    In a crosstab, creates a dynamic bookmark that uses cell values as possible values.

  3. Set the property that appears under the source type you chose to the bookmark value.

    For example, if the source type is Data item value, set the Data item value property to the data item.

  4. Click the object that will jump to the bookmark, from the report object toolbar, click the More icon the more icon, and then click Drill-Through Definitions.

    For example, click a data item, image, chart, or text item.

    Tip: The object can exist in a different report, so you can jump from one report to another.
  5. Click the New Drill-Through Definition icon new icon.
  6. Click the Bookmark tab.
  7. Click Source type and click one of the source types described in step 3.

    Click the source type to use to produce the value needed to jump to the bookmark. For example, click Data item value if you want the value to come from a data item such as Product line.

  8. If you clicked one of the following source types, specify the value to use to jump to the bookmark.
    • For Text, click the ellipsis button next to Text and type a text value.
    • For Data item value or Data item label, in the Data item list, choose a data item.
    • For Report expression, click the ellipsis button next to Report expression and define the expression.