Known issues in 11.2.x
This section describes known issues found in IBM® Cognos® Analytics with Watson 11.2.x versions.
11.2.4 FP5
- HTTP error 431: Request header fields too large
When you try to log in to Cognos Analytics, the following message may appear:
HTTP error 431: Request header fields too large
This message can appear because the size of cookie headers is doubled in releases 11.2.4 IF3 and 11.2.4 FP5.
To resolve this issue, increase the cookie header size that is allowed on the gateway or web server. For more information, see 431 Request Header Fields Too Large error attempting to logon to Cognos.
- IBM Controller 11.0.x cannot connect to Cognos Analytics 11.2.4 FP5
In Cognos Controller Configuration, when you try to connect to a Cognos Analytics 11.2.4 FP5 report server, the connection fails.
Connect IBM Controller 11.0.x to Cognos Analytics 11.2.4 FP4 or earlier.
11.2.4 FP4
- Recently updated assets are not listed in the Recent tab
If you create or modify an asset, then immediately do one of these actions:
- refresh your browser
- close your browser
- log out of Cognos Analytics,
then the asset is not listed in the Recent tab the next time that you view it.
To avoid this issue, wait 10 seconds before you refresh your browser, close your browser, or log out of Cognos Analytics.
- Importing a deployment that is not password-protected fails (JRE issue)
When you try to import a deployment that is not password-protected into a fresh content store, error messages appear similar to the following:
CM-REQ-4111 Object "/Team Content/DBCERT_AZURESQL_N/model" (of class "model") was not imported. CM-REQ-4163 The import operation was unable to add an object. CM-SYS-5149 Content Manager is unable to process your request because a data error occurred in the content store database subsystem. Try to determine the report that triggered the error by checking log files in the ./logs directory. An error occurred while reading the value from the stream object. Error: " invalid stored block lengths"modelCM-REQ-4111 Object "/Team Content/DBCERT_AZURESQL_N/model/[].[securityViews].[DBCERT_AZURESQL_N]" (of class "modelView") was not imported. CM-REQ-4163 The import operation was unable to add an object. CM-REQ-4191 The parent path for the object does not exist. The missing parent path is "/Team Content/DBCERT_AZURESQL_N/model".
This issue is caused by a faulty version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE that is included in Cognos Analytics 11.2.4 FP4
To resolve this issue, ensure that your deployment archive is encrypted:
- If you create the deployment using the Manage component, you are already required to set an
encryption password:
If you create a partial deployment using the legacy Administration console, ensure that you click Set the encryption password when prompted.
For more information, see step 15 in Creating a new export deployment specification.
- If you create the deployment using the Manage component, you are already required to set an
encryption password:
11.2.4 FP3
- Importing a deployment that is not password-protected fails (JRE issue)
When you try to import a deployment that is not password-protected into a fresh content store, error messages appear similar to the following:
CM-REQ-4111 Object "/Team Content/DBCERT_AZURESQL_N/model" (of class "model") was not imported. CM-REQ-4163 The import operation was unable to add an object. CM-SYS-5149 Content Manager is unable to process your request because a data error occurred in the content store database subsystem. Try to determine the report that triggered the error by checking log files in the ./logs directory. An error occurred while reading the value from the stream object. Error: " invalid stored block lengths"modelCM-REQ-4111 Object "/Team Content/DBCERT_AZURESQL_N/model/[].[securityViews].[DBCERT_AZURESQL_N]" (of class "modelView") was not imported. CM-REQ-4163 The import operation was unable to add an object. CM-REQ-4191 The parent path for the object does not exist. The missing parent path is "/Team Content/DBCERT_AZURESQL_N/model".
This issue is caused by a faulty version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE that is included in Cognos Analytics 11.2.4 FP3
To resolve this issue, ensure that your deployment archive is encrypted:
- If you create the deployment using the Manage component, you are already required to set an
encryption password:
If you create a partial deployment using the legacy Administration console, ensure that you click Set the encryption password when prompted.
For more information, see step 15 in Creating a new export deployment specification.
- If you create the deployment using the Manage component, you are already required to set an
encryption password:
- Cannot upgrade 11.2.4 FP3 content to version 12.0.0, 12.0.1, or 12.0.2 without causing issues during a subsequent upgrade
If you try to upgrade your 11.2.4 FP3 content to version 12.0.0, 12.0.1, or 12.0.2, you may need to run specialized scripts before you can do another upgrade to version 12.0.3 or later.
- Reason:
Schema changes are made in the content store of 11.2.4 FP3 (and future releases) to support faster processing of content retention rules. Therefore, when you upgrade from 11.2.4 FP3 (or later), you must upgrade to a release with the same content store enhancements, for example, 12.0.3 (or later).
- Workaround
To upgrade 11.2.4 FP3 content to version 12.0.x, wait until 12.0.3 or later to do so.
Note: You can still upgrade any 11.2.x content other than 11.2.4 FP3 to any version of 12.0.x.
- Daily schedule start times may shift by one hour
After a Daylight Saving Time change, the start time of daily schedules may unexpectedly shift by one hour.
- Cannot log in to the Cognos Analytics server from Framework Manager in Cognos Analytics on Cloud
In Cognos Analytics on Cloud On-Demand, when you try to log in to the Cognos Analytics server from Framework Manager, the following error message appears:
An error has occurred in the script on this page. Error: Invalid character
To resolve this issue, you must enable WebView2. For more information, see Alternate web technology support for Framework Manager authentication (Microsoft Edge WebView2).
- IBM Cognos Analytics with Watson remains in the uninstall section of Windows Control Panel after upgrading from Version 11.1.7 to 11.2.x
After upgrading IBM Cognos Analytics with Watson from Version 11.1.7 to Version 11.2.x in Windows, IBM Cognos Analytics with Watson Version 11.1.7 remains in the list of programs to uninstall in the Windows Control Panel.
For example, in Windows 10, when you open Control Panel and click Uninstall a program, there is still an entry for IBM Cognos Analytics with Watson, Version 11.1.7.
This occurs because the installer for IBM Cognos Analytics with Watson Version 11.2.x releases no longer updates the Uninstall section of the Windows Control Panel. The installer now includes the uninstall shortcut in the Windows start menu and the uninstall folder in the product installation directory.
To uninstall Cognos Analytics, use the uninstall shortcut in the Windows start menu or the uninstall folder in the product installation directory.
- Error message XQE-PLN-0503 when using narrative insights with multiple fact streams
When using narrative insights with forecasting enabled on a dashboard visualization with at least two fact tables, you might receive a message in the XQE log file with the following error code:
Caught error in the Query Service: XQE-PLN-0503 The data item [query].[text_string] contains an operation across 2 fact streams and involves detail items. Please ensure that each term is aggregated before the operation is applied.
This error occurs because narrative insights are adding additional aggregation operations on expressions that use multi-fact calculations that do not explicitly specify aggregation operations.
To address this error, follow these steps:
- Use only one fact table in your dashboard visualization before you enable narrative insights or
add explicit aggregations in multi-fact calculations.
For example, instead of using this calculation:
abs(sales_receipts.line_item_amount - (sales_targets.total_goal * 0.25))
use this calculation instead:
abs(total(sales_receipts.line_item_amount) - (average(sales_targets.total_goal) * 0.25))
- Ensure that the Calculate after aggregation check box is selected:
- Use only one fact table in your dashboard visualization before you enable narrative insights or
add explicit aggregations in multi-fact calculations.
- The link between a dashboard and its data module breaks if using Save As to update the data module and the data module was created from a CSV file
- If you create a data module from a CSV file, then create a dashboard with a visualization from
that data module, the link between the dashboard and the data module breaks if you use
Save As to update the data module. That is, the link between the dashboard
and the data module breaks if you perform the following steps:
- Create a data module from a CSV file.
- Create a dashboard with a visualization from the data module.
- Save and close the dashboard.
- Open the data module.
- Save the data module with the Save As button and save it with the same name.
- If you open the dashboard, the link to the data module is broken.
The workaround for this issue is to relink the data source.
- Dashboard does not support dataset refresh for ambiguous sign-ons or multiple connections
- You cannot refresh a dataset for a dashboard from ambiguous sign-ons or multiple connections.
- Applying a sort on a DMR to expanded child members resets the sort order on the parent dashboard
- If you load a dimensionally modeled relational (DMR) model on a dashboard and apply a sort order to a row or column on an expanded child member, the sort order of the parent dashboard resets to Auto-Heirarchy.
- Browser may return an error related to iFrame assets
- Some browsers may return an iFrame-related error. For more information, see Error when opening an asset.
- Error message CAM-CRP-1603 when upgrading to 11.2.2
When upgrading from 11.0.x or 11.1.x to 11.2.2, you receive this error message:
[SSL configuration test] [ERROR] CAM-CRP-1603 SSL protocol '{0}' is not configured, or is not configured properly.
Note: This message appears after you perform the following steps in the order shown:- You installed and configured 11.2.2.
- You replaced the file cogstartup.xml with an older version from your previous installation.
- You typed cogconfig.bat -s to start Cognos Analytics.
To fix this issue, run the following two commands in sequence to start Cognos Analytics:
cogconfig.bat -config
cogconfig.bat -s
- Error after performing the Easy Install option
After you perform the Easy Install option, you wait as the following message appears, as expected:
Product Configuration in progress. This may take a few minutes.
However, you may then see this message:
A post installation action failed with the following message: Timeout. The action takes too long to finish. The limit is 1200sec. Mar 15, 2022 1:15:51 PM serialize
In some cases, the message above may appear even though Cognos Analytics configuration completed successfully. To address the error message, follow these steps:
- Wait a few more minutes and then check to see if Cognos Analytics starts and runs properly.
- If Cognos Analytics does not run properly, uninstall it.
- From the Windows Start menu, double click Uninstall IBM Cognos Analytics.
- Ensure that all relevant files are successfully removed from your computer.
- Ensure that the following Windows services are no longer listed in the Services window:
- apacheds-cognos
- Informix IDS - ol_cognoscm
- Informix IDS Message Service
Tip: If any of the services above are still listed, remove them. To remove a service, open a command window as Administrator and then type the following:sc delete "service_name"
where service_name is one of the service names listed above.
- Perform the Easy Install option again.
Note: The Easy Install option is not recommended for production environments. For more information, see Easy installation.
- Clicking ESC does not dismiss report properties pane when viewing Current values
- When viewing the Current values pane in the properties of a report, clicking the ESC key does not dismiss the properties pane. The workaround is to click Back and then click ESC.
- Home page appears when opening saved report output
- In an IIS Gateway environment, when opening saved report output pages, the home page opens instead of the report output, such as HTML or PDF.
- NodeExecutor.mobileGateway error message in cognosserver.log
- When starting Cognos
Analytics on Premises, the following error message appears in cognosserver.log. You can ignore the message.
In a future release, the message will be downgraded to a
2021-07-22T10:13:28.945-0400 ERROR [Exec Stream Pumper] NA (node:10280) [DEP0066] DeprecationWarning: OutgoingMessage.prototype._headers is deprecated 2021-07-22T10:13:28.945-0400 ERROR [Exec Stream Pumper] NA (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
- X11 dependency for Linux environments
- Administrator installing Cognos
Analytics 11.2.1 on Linux (using silent install), or using the Cognos Configuration UI, need to ensure X11
is also installed on the server. If X11 isn't installed, the following error message is
CCL-SRV-0501 The BIBusTKServer process caught an unexpected exception. CCLRuntimeError CCL-PLG-0001 Failed to load the pluggable shared library. cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
- Data server connection names truncated when editing connections
- Administrators can edit data server names by clicking
Edit icon next to the name. Clicking outside the flyout menu will close the
flyout. If you navigate back to the connections menu, the list of data servers may be truncated as
illustrated in the following example.
- Unable to open disabled folder as administrator
- The System Administrator and the Directory Administrator cannot access a disabled folder, even though they should still have access to it. To work around this, enable the folder temporarily, access the folder and perform the tasks that you want, and then disable the folder again.