System Performance Metrics

IBM® Cognos® Analytics with Watson provides system metrics that you can use to monitor the health of the entire system and of each server, dispatcher, and service. You can also set the thresholds for the metric scores. Some examples of system performance metrics are the number of sessions in your system, how long a report is in a queue, how long a Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM) has been running, and the number of requests and processes in the system.

System performance metrics reside in the Java environment, but can be monitored in IBM Cognos Administration through the portal. For more information about monitoring system performance metrics, see the IBM Cognos Analytics with Watson Administration and Security Guide.

You can take a snapshot of the current system metrics so that you can track trends over time or review details about the state of the system at a particular time. For more information, see the topic about the metric dump file in the IBM Cognos Analytics with Watson Troubleshooting Guide.

You can also monitor system metrics externally to IBM Cognos Administration by using Java Management Extensions (JMX), a technology that supplies tools to manage and monitor applications and service-oriented networks.