Unable to import IBM Cognos Analytics reports

The request to import an IBM® Cognos® Analytics report fails.

The following message is displayed:

Field System.NetHttpWebResponse.result not found

To resolve this issue, when using single signon with Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), anonymous access must be enabled so that users can import IBM Cognos Business Intelligence content or reports.

IBM Cognos components run with two levels of logon: anonymous and authenticated. By default, anonymous access is enabled in IBM Cognos Configuration. If you choose to use authenticated logon only, your administrator can disable anonymous access and configure IBM Cognos Analytics to use an authentication provider, such as Active Directory. In this case, your administrator must configure the environment so that anonymous access is disabled and single signon is set up for the following virtual directories:

  • cognos.cgi
  • cognosisapi.dll

If Windows integrated authentication is enabled, you are not prompted to reenter authentication information when accessing IBM Cognos content that is secured by the Active Directory namespace.

If your administrator has configured an Active Directory namespace to support single signon with a Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft Analysis Server data source, he or she must ensure that the IBM Cognos gateway is installed on an IIS Web server that is configured for Integrated Authentication on Microsoft Windows operating system.

For more information about setting single signon, see the IBM Cognos Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide.

The administrator must follow these steps using IBM Cognos Configuration to enable Anonymous Access in IIS. The administrator must also enable anonymous access for the IBM Cognos virtual directories: cognos.cgi and cognoisapi.dll.


  1. On each computer where Content Manager is installed, start IBM Cognos Configuration.
  2. In the Explorer window, under Security, Authentication, click Cognos.
  3. In the Properties window, click the box next to the Allow anonymous access property and then click True.
  4. From the File menu, click Save.