Installing a Docker image that contains the Secure Gateway Client

Instead of using the IBM installer to install Secure Gateway Client, you can install a Docker image that contains the Secure Gateway Client.

Note: If you are viewing the Add client page on the wizard, but already installed Secure Gateway Client, do the following:
  1. Select I have already installed the client and click Next.
  2. Proceed to Adding a destination.
Secure Gateway map with the cloud highlighted

About this task

For a demonstration of how to install the Secure Gateway Client using Docker, watch this video:

Video about how to install the Secure Gateway Client using Docker


  1. Ensure that you created a Secure Gateway instance.
  2. Select Install Docker and follow the prompts.

    For more information, see About Docker CE (

    Tip: On Linux, you can add -h `hostname` to your Docker bash shell. This will return the name of the system that Docker is hosted on, rather than the Docker ID.
  3. Open a command window.
  4. Copy Copy icon and run the Docker pull command.
  5. Copy Copy icon and run the Docker run command with security token.
  6. Click Next.

    The Secure Gateway Client is installed and configured and the wizard advances to the next page.

What to do next

Your next step is to add an on-premises destination database.