Logging on and logging off

If your IBM® Cognos® Analytics with Watson server requires authentication, import the authentication methods and classes using the following URL:


Use the logon method to log on to the Cognos Analytics server using the Mashup Service authentication methods.

You can determine which credentials the server requires by submitting an empty credentials element.

The server response includes a credentialPrompt element that lists actualValue elements for which the server has values and missingValue elements whose values must be supplied.

You can then submit another logon request with a credentials element that contains values for the missingValue elements.

If your logon attempt is successful, the server response includes an accountInfo element that provides authentication details.

If your log on request contains incorrect data, or still has missing values, the server response is another credentialPrompt element.

C# example

To see this code in context, view the following sample program:


AuthService authService = new AuthService();
authService.Url = url;

LogonRequestType authRequest = new LogonRequestType();
authRequest.credentials = new CredentialType();
authRequest.credentials.credentialElements = new CredentialElementType[3];

authRequest.credentials.credentialElements[0] = new CredentialElementType();
authRequest.credentials.credentialElements[0].name = "CAMNamespace";
authRequest.credentials.credentialElements[0].value = new ValueElementType();
authRequest.credentials.credentialElements[0].value.Item = nameSpace;

authRequest.credentials.credentialElements[1] = new CredentialElementType();
authRequest.credentials.credentialElements[1].name = "CAMUsername";
authRequest.credentials.credentialElements[1].value = new ValueElementType();
authRequest.credentials.credentialElements[1].value.Item = userName;

authRequest.credentials.credentialElements[2] = new CredentialElementType();
authRequest.credentials.credentialElements[2].name = "CAMPassword";
authRequest.credentials.credentialElements[2].value = new ValueElementType();
authRequest.credentials.credentialElements[2].value.Item = passWord;

LogonResponseType authResp = authService.logon(authRequest);
Java™ example

To see this code in context, view the following sample program:


String nameSpaceStr=strNameSpace;    //namespace
String userNameStr=strUserName;      //username
String userPasswordStr=strPassword;  //password
String reportIDStr=strReportID;      //reportID

AuthServiceLocator authlocator = new AuthServiceLocator();
AuthServicePort authService = authlocator.getAuthServicePort(new URL(serverURL));
CredentialType credentialType = new CredentialType();

CredentialElementType nameSpaceElement = new CredentialElementType();
ValueElementType nameSpaceValue = new ValueElementType();

CredentialElementType userNameElement = new CredentialElementType();
ValueElementType userNameValue = new ValueElementType();

CredentialElementType passWordElement = new CredentialElementType();
ValueElementType passWordValue = new ValueElementType();

//Login IBM Cognos server using the CMS Authentication Service
credentialType.setCredentialElements(new CredentialElementType[]
LogonRequestType logonRequest = new LogonRequestType(credentialType, null);
LogonResponseType logonResponse = authService.logon(logonRequest);

//Copy the SOAP header from the Authentication Service to CMS
org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHeaderElement[] headers
           =((org.apache.axis.client.Stub) authService).getResponseHeaders();

When the application has completed, log off the user if your server requires authentication.

C# example
LogoffRequestType logoffRequest = new LogoffRequestType();
logoffResponseType logoffResp = authService.logoff(logoffRequest);
Java example
LogoffRequestType LogoffRequest = new LogoffRequestType();
LogoffResponseType logoff = authService.logoff(LogoffRequest);