Create a Single-Edge Crosstab

Create a single-edge crosstab report to show data in a list-like form. For example, to show the quantity of products sold for each year and for each order method, you could create a crosstab with Order Year and Order Method as rows and Quantity as the measure.


  1. Click the Toolbox icon Toolbox icon, and drag a crosstab object to the work area.
  2. From the Sources tab source tab, drag data items to the Rows or Columns drop zone.

    A black bar indicates where you can drop the data item.

  3. Repeat step 2 to insert additional data items:
    • If you dragged the data item in step 2 to the Rows drop zone, drag the additional items above or below the first item.
    • If you dragged the data item in step 2 to the Columns drop zone, drag the additional items to the left or right of the first item.
  4. To add measures to the crosstab, drag the measures to the Measures drop zone.


When you run the report, a crosstab is produced that has only one edge.