Permissions for viewing or editing the contents of a package or a folder

Access permissions are required to refresh data from the content store or view or search contents of a package or a folder.
Table 1. Permission requirements to view or edit a package or folder
Goal Permissions

View the contents of a package or a folder, without full access to the content of the folder.

Note: Users can view the general properties of the entries in IBM® Cognos® Connection for which they have any type of access. The general properties include name, description, creation date, and so on, which are common to all entries.


Download Microsoft Office documents that were published to IBM Cognos Connection


Refresh the Public Folders and My Folders in the IBM Cognos pane that contain any reports or analyses that were cached.


Perform full-text searches of content published to IBM Cognos Analytics.

Folders without Traverse permission are not searched for content.


View the information card.
