The SSH keys are needed to configure SFTP.
Download PuTTYgen
(, and run the
puttygen.exe executable.
The PuTTY Key Generator dialog box is displayed.
- Select RSA as the key type to generate, and enter
4096 as the number of bits in a generated key, as shown in the following
- Optional: If your SFTP client is WinSCP, set the
PPK file version for the key to 2. The default version is 3, which is
supported by FileZilla.
- From the Key menu, select Parameters for saving key
- For the PPK file version select 2. and click
Note: If the private key is already generated with the PPK file
version set to 3, click the Load button to reload the key file,
and follow steps a and b to change the version to 2.
- Click Generate.
Randomly move your cursor in the area underneath the progress bar. As you move the cursor,
the progress bar starts to fill up with numbers and characters. When it’s completely full, the key
is generated, as shown in the following image:
- Click Save public key.
- Select a directory, and specify a name for the key file. For example, the name can
- Click Save.
- Click Save private key. Say Yes to the
warning message.
- On the Conversions tab, click Export OpenSSH
- Select the directory where you saved the public key, and specify a name for the key
file. The file extension must be .pem.
- Click Save.
What to do next
Send the public key to IBM in your onboarding support ticket and the SRE team will place the
public key on the server. Keep the private key safe because you will need it to upload files to your