Use a response file template
You can use a template to create a response file instead of running an installation to generate the response file.
This topic includes three response file templates for the following types of installations: custom install, easy install, and client install.
- Cut and paste from this topic to create the response file you want to use, either for a custom installation or for an easy installation.
Make changes to the response file that you created by following the guidelines in the
Custom install response file template
#Template of Response file for IBM Cognos Analytic Software Silent installation #Note: This template has some old properties to keep it backward compatible with older 11.x versions #If you wish to create a new response file instead you can refer to 'Use a silent installation' documentation. # #This template is for a "Custom" install. If you want to do an "Easy" install #please use other template, located below. # #(C) Copyright IBM(R) Corp. 2016. All rights reserved. #Remember to make a copy of this file before editing it. #Do not change this variable value, as this is a CA install #----- BISRVR_CA_INSTALL=1 #Do not change this, as this response file is not for tools #---- BISRVR_CA_TOOLS_INSTALL=0 #Please DO NOT change the following variable since this is a "Custom" install BISRVR_INSTALLTYPE_CUSTOM=1 #Required - Install type for "Custom" install #----------------------------------------------------------- #You must select one of the following install types # If you want to perform "Custom/First Install", # set BISRVR_CUSTOM_FIRST to be 1, set the other to be 0 # If you want to perform "Custom/Connect and install", # set BISRVR_CUSTOM_EXPAND to be 1, set the other to be 0 #----------------------------------------------------------- BISRVR_CUSTOM_FIRST= BISRVR_CUSTOM_EXPAND= #Required - Features #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #For "Custom/First install", feature DATATIER must be selected. # Other features can be selected at the same time too. #For Custom Expand Install, you must select at least one of the features. # #BISRVR_FEATURE_DATATIER is called "Content repository" in GUI install. #BISRVR_FEATURE_APPTIER is called "Application services" in GUI install. #BISRVR_FEATURE_GATEWAY is called "Optional Gateway" in GUI install. #CASRVR_VIDAImageComponent is called "Image service" in GUI install.(Note: This feature is available in 11.2.4 and above) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- REPO=<RepoZipPath> BISRVR_FEATURE_DATATIER= BISRVR_FEATURE_APPTIER= BISRVR_FEATURE_GATEWAY= CASRVR_VIDAImageComponent= #Required - Install Location #---------------------------------------------- #The installation location #It is called "Install location" in GUI # DEFAULT: # on UNIX, and Linux # /opt/ibm/cognos/analytics # on Windows # C:\\Program Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics #---------------------------------------------- USER_INSTALL_DIR= #Optional - Options for Windows Install #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #The following two entries are for Windows only #BISRVR_SHORTCUT is called "Program folder" in GUI install #BISRVR_ALLUSERS is called "Make shortcut visible to all users in the Start menu" # in GUI install. Set to 1 if you want the shortcut visible. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #BISRVR_SHORTCUT= #BISRVR_ALLUSERS= #End of Custom install template #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Easy install response file template
#Template of Response file for IBM Cognos Analytic Software Silent installation # #This template is for an "Easy" install. If you want to do a "Custom" install #please use other template, located above. # #(C) Copyright IBM(R) Corp. 2016. All rights reserved. #Remember to make a copy of this file before editing it. #Required - Install type for "Easy install" #----------------------------------------------------------------- #You must select one of the following install types # If you want to perform "Easy install/First Install", # set BISRVR_INSTALLTYPE_READY to be 1, set the other to be 0 # If you want to perform "Easy install/Connect and Install", # set BISRVR_INSTALLTYPE_EXPAND to be 1, set the other to be 0 #----------------------------------------------------------------- REPO=<RepoZipPath> BISRVR_INSTALLTYPE_READY= BISRVR_INSTALLTYPE_EXPAND= #Required - Install Location #---------------------------------------------- #The installation location #It is called "Install location" in GUI # DEFAULT: # on UNIX, and Linux # /opt/ibm/cognos/analytics # on Windows # C:\\Program Files\\ibm\\cognos\\analytics #---------------------------------------------- USER_INSTALL_DIR= #Required - Input Required for "Easy install" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Cognos administrator credentials are required for "Easy install". #BISRVR_COGNOSUSER is called "Cognos administrator user ID" in GUI install. #BISRVR_COGNOSUSER_PASSWORD is called "Password" in GUI install. # The password must be encrypted. It can be obtained by recording a GUI install. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BISRVR_COGNOSUSER= BISRVR_COGNOSUSER_PASSWORD= #Optional - Options for Windows Install #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #The following two entries are for Windows only #BISRVR_SHORTCUT is called "Program folder" in GUI install #BISRVR_ALLUSERS is called "Make shortcut visible to all users in the Start menu" # in GUI install. Set to 1 if you want the shortcut visible. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #BISRVR_SHORTCUT= #BISRVR_ALLUSERS= #End of Easy install template #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Client install response file template
The client applications include: Framework Manager (CA_FM), Cognos Cube Designer (CA_DCUBEMODEL), and Dynamic Query Analyzer (CA_DQA).
#Template of Response file for IBM Cognos Analytic Software Silent installation# #This template is for installing client tools.# #(C) Copyright IBM(R) Corp. 2016. All rights reserved. #Remember to make a copy of this file before editing it. #Do not change this variable value, as this is not a CA install #----- BISRVR_CA_INSTALL=0 #Do not change this, as this response file is for tools #---- BISRVR_CA_TOOLS_INSTALL=1 #Set only one client tool you need to install to 1 #----- CA_FM= CA_DCUBEMODEL= CA_DQA= #manifest #-------- #Examples: #FM Example: MANIFEST=fm-manifest-11.2.0-2105060408-winx64h.json #DCM Example: MANIFEST=dcubemodel-manifest-11.2.0-2105060408-winx64h.json #DQA Example: MANIFEST=dqa-manifest-11.2.0-2105060408-winx64h.json MANIFEST=<product_name>-manifest-<product_version>-winx64h.json #Set the installation location USER_INSTALL_DIR= #repo zip file full path REPO=
Note: Running a silent installation might result in errors if the repo zip file that you specified
in the REPO parameter contains multiple manifests. If you get an error message
stating that there are multiple manifests in the repo, generate your own response file by running
the installation wizard from a command line with a parameter to save a response file. For more
details on using the installation wizard to save a response file, refer to Use a silent installation.