IBM Cognos Framework Manager

IBM® Cognos® Framework Manager is the metadata modeling tool for IBM Cognos Analytics with Watson.

You can install it on the same computer as other IBM Cognos Analytics with Watson components, or on a different computer.

If you upgraded from an older version of Framework Manager, you can use the same models and projects that you used with the older version. To upgrade existing projects, you must open them in the new version of Framework Manager.

If you are upgrading Framework Manager from an older version, you must first uninstall the older version of Framework Manager. For more information, see Uninstalling IBM Cognos Analytics with Watson.

Before you install Framework Manager, close all programs that are currently running to ensure that the installation program copies all the required files to your computer.

Also, ensure that you have administrator privileges for the Windows computer you are installing on. If you are not an administrator, ask your system administrator to add you to the Administrator group on your computer. Administrator privileges are also required for the account that is used to run Framework Manager.

Install and configure all IBM Cognos Analytics with Watson server components before you install Framework Manager.

Install to a directory that contains only ASCII characters in the path name. Some servers do not support non-ASCII characters in directory names. Installing Framework Manager in directory that has an apostrophe in the path name can result in the help not opening properly.

To help you manage, share, and secure different versions of your metadata, you can configure Framework Manager to use an external source control system. For more information, see the section about using external repository control in the IBM Cognos Framework Manager User Guide.