Changed modification time on folders and packages after an upgrade
When you upgrade Cognos® Analytics to version 11.2.4, the modification time property on some folders and packages is automatically changed to the time of the first Cognos Analytics service startup after the upgrade.
This property change applies only to folders and packages which had the object capabilities explicitly defined.
Note: As of Cognos
11.2.4, object capabilities can also be defined for data modules, uploaded files, and data sets.
However, this upgrade doesn't include these objects because they didn't have the object capabilities
defined for them in previous versions of the product. For more information, see Object capabilities on data modules, data sets, and uploaded files.
The modification time is shown in the Last Accessed column of the Content page, and as the Modified property value in the Details panel.
This change is consistent with the standard Content Manager upgrade behavior. For more information, see Changed modification time property on objects after an upgrade.