Markers are symbols that you add to a chart to designate
points of significance that can help you analyze or understand the
Current default scatter charts have a different set of steps.
- Select the chart object.
- In the Properties pane, under Chart
Annotations, double-click the Markers property.
Click the New icon , and then set the marker properties
- In the Based on box, select the
chart object that will determine the marker position.
- In the Numeric position box, specify
how you want to define the position on the numeric (Y) axis.
- In the Category position box, specify
how you want to define the position on the category (X) axis.
- In the Marker label box, type the
label that you want to give to the marker.
- In the Marker size box, specify
the size of the marker symbol.
- To specify the color, fill, and shape of the marker symbol,
click the Color and style box.
- If you add more than one marker, specify their order by
using the up and down arrows.
The new markers appear
in the Markers, notes, and baselines box.
Tip: To delete a marker, click the marker icon and text and click the delete button
- Run the report.