Specifying that report specifications are not archived

By default, report specification output is archived. Report specifications describe how data was generated within a report.

To turn off the archiving of report specifications, you must modify two files: CM.xml and CM_CM8.xml.


  1. Go to the install_location/webapps/p2pd/WEB-INF/repositories/config directory.
  2. Using an XML text editor, open the CM.xml file.
  3. Comment out or remove the following line: <property name="specifications" metadataPropertyName="specification" useTempFile="true"
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Go to the install_location/webapps/p2pd/WEB-INF/repositories/config directory.
  6. Open the file named CM.xml in a text editor.
  7. Comment out or remove the following element:
    <property repositoryName="REPORTEXECUTIONSPECIFICATION" repositoryType="ASSOCIATED" 
    									 <objectType name="VERSIONSPECIFICATION">
    											<property repositoryName="cmis:name" repositoryType="STRING" 
    metadataPropertyName="reportVersionDefaultName"  valueHandler="com.cognos.cm.
    PropertyValueAppendStringHandler" valueHandlerArgument="_specification"/>
    Note: In the CM.xml file, the objectType name value is <objectType name="$t!-2_VERSIONSPECIFICATIONv-1">.
  8. Restart background activities on the Content Manager service. For more information, see the IBM Cognos Analytics with Watson Administration and Security Guide.