IBM Cognos Configuration command-line options
Option |
Descriptions |
-h |
Displays commands for IBM Cognos Configuration. |
-s |
Runs IBM Cognos Configuration in silent mode. Uses property values specified in the cogstartup.xml file to configure installed components and then starts all services. ./ -s cogconfig.bat -s |
-stop |
Stops all IBM Cognos services. ./ -stop cogconfig.bat -stop |
-startupfile path/filename.xml |
Runs IBM Cognos Configuration using a file other than the cogstartup.xml file in the install_location/configuration directory. |
-test |
Uses property values specified in the cogstartup.xml file to test configuration settings. ./ -test cogconfig.bat -test |
-notest |
Starts IBM Cognos Configuration with the automatic testing tasks disabled. ./ -notest cogconfig.bat -notest This option should not be used for the first time you start the product or if you are making configuration changes. |
-utf8 |
Saves the configuration in UTF-8 encoding. ./ -s -utf8 cogconfig.bat -s -utf8 |
-l language ID |
Runs IBM Cognos Configuration using the language specified by the language identifier. To run the configuration tool in silent mode using Simplified Chinese ./ -l zh-cn cogconfig.bat -l zh-cn |
-e filename.xml |
Exports the current configuration settings to the specified file. ./ -e filename.xml cogconfig.bat -e filename.xml |
-log |
Creates a cogconfig.timestamp.log error log file in the cognos_location/logs directory. ./ -log cogconfig.bat -log The log file, cogconfig.log, will be created by default without the -log option in the cognos_location/logs directory. |
-d |
Enables debug logging in the log file. You need to use it in conjunction with the -log option. The log file, cogconfig.log, will be created by default. You can use the -d option without using -log option. |
-config |
Saves the IBM Cognos Configuration in silent mode. Loads property values specified in the cogstartup.xml file into IBM Cognos Configuration, then saves it in silent mode without starting the services. ./ -config cogconfig.bat -config |
You can use more than one command-line option at a time. For example, you can run IBM Cognos Configuration in silent mode and send all error messages to a log file.