Object capabilities on data modules, data sets, and uploaded files
The object capabilities are now extended to data modules, data sets, and uploaded files.
In previous versions of Cognos® Analytics, this type of capabilities was available only on packages and folders.
To access and set these capabilities, in Team content (or any other folder in the Content page), find a data module, data set, or uploaded file. From the Actions menu of any of these items, click Properties. The properties page for these items now includes the Capabilities tab.
On the Capabilities tab, click Set capabilities. The following capabilities page is displayed:
The list of capabilities is the same for packages, data modules, data sets, and uploaded files, even though some of these capabilities are not applicable for each of these items, or are not active. For example, the Adaptive Analytics capability works only with Framework Manager packages. Set only the capabilities that are applicable for a specific package, data module, data set, or uploaded file, and leave the checkboxes for the remaining capabilities clear.
For more information, see Object capabilities.