IBM® Cognos Analytics provides analytic
insights that help you to detect and validate important relationships and meaningful differences
based on the data that is presented by the visualization.
Insights are available by clicking the Insights icon
of eligible visualizations. When you turn on insights, the summary appears in the
Insights box and related visualization elements are highlighted and details
are provided in the corresponding tooltip message. You can control each available insight
In a visualization that supports insights, click the Insights icon
- Depending on the visualization, the following insights are shown:
- Average Provides the mean of the displayed target value.
- Predictive strength Shows the predictive strength of the relationship
between the target and explanatory fields.
- Fit line Shows when either a linear or quadratic relationship exists
between the target and explanatory fields.
- Meaningful differences Shows values that are most significantly higher or
less than the average or trend.
- Most frequent Shows values that are most frequently reported.