Searching for members
Search for members returns members only. This type of search is separate from the metadata search, which doesn’t return members.
Search for members works identically in data modules, dashboards, stories, and explorations.
Each member in the search results includes the member unique name (MUN), which is a unique identifier for a member in Cognos® Analytics. For more information about MUNs, search the IBM Cognos Analytics Framework Manager User Guide or IBM Cognos Analytics Transformer User Guide.
About this task
Search for members can be invoked from the context menu of a hierarchy, level, member or column. The search looks for all children of the item from which it was invoked. For levels, the search includes only the immediate child-members. A relational member has no children so the search menu is not available for it.
The search results are limited to members that the users have permissions to view.
The system limit for search results is 50. If there are more than 50 matches, you can click Load more to load the next 50 matches found by the search.
If a member is not found, you might need to refine the search text, or navigate to a lower level in the data tree and start the search from there.
You can't invoke the search for members from a Members folder.
What to do next
In dashboards, stories, and explorations, you can perform operations on members that are found by the search.