Add dimensional data to a report

For dimensional and mixed model data sources, you can view the full data tree by clicking the Options icon dimensional data view options icon (Data icon Data icon, Source tab) and then clicking View metadata tree. You can switch to the dimensional-only data tree by clicking the View members tree option.

Note: Use dimensional data in the dimensional reporting style. However, if you are using relational data, see Add Relational Data to a Report.

If you are working with a dimensional data source, data items are organized hierarchically. Dimensional data sources include OLAP and dimensionally-modeled relational (DMR) data sources. The Source tab Data icon shows a metadata-based view of the data.

the data tree, showing 1. a package, 2. a dimension, 3. a level hierarchy, 4. a members folder, and 5. a level
Note: The names of levels and members in a dimension come from the model. It is the responsibility of the modeler to provide meaningful names.
  1. Package

    Packages are subsets of a model containing items that you can insert in a report.

  2. Dimension

    Dimensions are broad groupings of descriptive data about a major aspect of a business, such as products, dates, or markets.

  3. Level hierarchy

    Level hierarchies are more specific groupings within a dimension. For example, for the Years dimension, data can be organized into smaller groups, such as Years, Current Month, and Last Month.

  4. Members folder

    Members folders contain the available members for a hierarchy or level. For example, the Members folder for the Years level hierarchy contains everything found in the Year, Quarter, and Month levels.

  5. Level

    Levels are positions within the dimensional hierarchy that contain information at the same order of detail and have attributes in common. Multiple levels can exist within a level hierarchy, beginning with a root level. For example, the Years level hierarchy has the following related levels.


    Level name




    The root level.



    Years in the Years root level. For example, 2013, 2012, and 2011.



    Quarters for each year in the Year level. For example, 2013 Q1, 2013 Q2, and 2013 Q3.



    Months for each quarter in the Quarter level. For example, Jan., Feb., and Mar.

    Tip: The Measures dimension contains the measures available in the data source.
  6. Member property

    Member properties are attributes that each member possesses. For example, gender could be a property for all employee members. For more information about member properties, see Insert a Member Property.