Specify the Log Messages Repository for Informix
- In the Explorer window, under Environment, click Logging.
- In the Properties window, use the
following table to help set the log server properties.
Table 1. Log server properties Task Action Use TCP between IBM® Cognos® components on a computer and its local log server
Set the Enable TCP property to True.
UDP provides faster communication with a lower risk of lost connections than TCP.
TCP is used for communication between a local log server and a remote log server.
Change the number of threads available to the local log server
Type the value in the Local log server worker threads property.
Keep the default value of 10. The range is between 1 and 20. However, if you have a high number of log messages, you can allocate more threads to improve performance.
- In the Explorer window, under Environment, right-click Logging, and click New resource > Destination.
- In the Name box, type the name of the repository.
- In the Type list, click Database and then click OK.
- In the Explorer window, under Logging, right-click the database name, and click New resource > Database.
- In the Name box, type the name of the repository.
- In the Type list, click Informix Dynamic Server database and then click OK.
- In the Properties window, type the values for Database server and port number, User ID and password, and Database name.
- If you have multiple instances of an Informix® logging database, create the advanced
property IPFSCRIPTIDX and specify the account under which the instance
- In the Explorer window, click Local Configuration.
- In the Properties window, click the Value column
for Advanced properties and then click the
edit icon
- In the Value - Advanced properties dialog box, click Add.
- In the Name column, type IPFSCRIPTIDX
- In the Value column, type the user ID of
the account under which the instance of the logging database runs.
Use a different user account for each instance of Informix logging database.
- Repeat in every instance of IBM Cognos Configuration that uses an instance of an Informix logging database.
- From the File menu, click Save.
- Test the connection to the new database. In the Explorer window,
under Environment, right-click Logging and
click Test.
IBM Cognos components connect to the database. If you configured more than one database for logging messages, IBM Cognos components test all the databases.