Drill-through links in active reports do not work

When viewing an active report that contains drill-through links in Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 and later, the links do not work.

Clicking on a drill-through link produces an error like the following:

The search path "<drill_through_target_search_path>" is invalid. An object may contain invalid syntax, or an unsupported character, or the user account in the namespace may not have sufficient privileges. Check the object to ensure that the target destination location does not contain special characters.


CM-REQ-4069 The property "na" is unknown. Replace it with a valid property.

When clicking a link in an active report, you are attempting to move from a local domain (the active report MHT file on your computer) to the IBM® Cognos® Analytics server's domain. Internet Explorer views this as a potential risk. To resolve the problem, make the following changes to the security settings in Internet Explorer.


  1. Click Tools, Internet Options.
  2. Click the Security tab.
  3. Click Trusted sites and then click Sites.
  4. In the Add this website to the zone box, type the IBM Cognos Analytics server's domain.
  5. Click Add and then Close.
  6. Click Custom level.
  7. In the Scripting section, under Enable XSS filter, click Disable and then click OK twice.