Creating an Amazon storage connection

Create a connection to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) so that Cognos Analytics users can save their reports on the cloud.

For an overview of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), see Amazon S3 Basics on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) web site (

Step 1: Create an AWS account

Create an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account on the AWS web site (

Step 2: Create an Amazon S3 service

Create an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) on the AWS web site (

Step 3: Create your service credentials

Create a new access key and secret access key ( as part of your service credentials.

Tips for Cognos Analytics administrators:
  • Even if you already have an access key, you must create a new one so that you can also record your secret access key.
  • Make a note of the values of the AWS properties listed in the following table. You will need these values later when you configure Cognos Analytics to connect to this IBM Cloud Object Storage connection.
Table 1. AWS access key and secret access key
Property in Amazon Web Services (AWS) Management Console Related property when you configure Cognos Analytics
AWSAccessKeyId Access Key ID
AWSSecretKey Secret access key

Step 4: Create a bucket

Create a Bucket on the AWS web site (

Tips for Cognos Analytics administrators:
  • Choose a predefined, standard bucket.
  • When you create a bucket you select a region, for example: Asia Pacific (Tokyo).


    Make a note of the region. You must select this same value later when you configure Cognos Analytics to add a location to your connection.