Customize a Bullet Chart

After you create a bullet chart, you can customize the shape, color, and size of the bullet and target indicators.

By default, the bullet chart includes three gray colored regions in the background. You can edit the colored regions (Properties pane, Colored Regions).


  1. Select the bullet chart object.
  2. To change the shape, color, and size of the bullet or target, do the following:
    1. In the Properties pane, under General, double-click the Bullet Indicators property.
    2. Under Bullet, specify how to show the bullet.

      The Bar width setting specifies the width of the bullet bar as a percentage of the space available. For example, if you specify 50 percent, the bar uses half of the space available. If you specify 100 percent, the bar uses all the available space.

    3. Under Target, specify how to show the target.
  3. To change the chart orientation, in the Properties pane, under General, set the Chart Orientation property.