Creating a report booklet

In an IBM® Cognos® Analytics - Reporting report, you can add references to other reports to create a report booklet. Each report reference represents a booklet item.

About this task

You can insert or move report references before and after pages and page sets. However, you cannot add report references to a page set.

You can copy a report reference and paste it in a valid area in the report. If you try to paste a report reference in a page set, the report reference is added to the end of the report.

You can create a table of contents entry for a report reference. When the table of contents is generated, by default, the report name is used for the table of contents entry. You can edit the entry by selecting it in the table of contents. If the report name is changed, you must manually update the table of contents entry. If you change the order of pages in the report, the table of contents is automatically updated when it is generated.

You cannot add references to other reports if you set the option to show report pages as tabs in HTML output (Show properties > View pages as tabs).

Reports with the Run with full interactivity property turned on, as well as any reports with custom controls, are not supported for booklets. For more information, see Limited and fully interactive reports.


  1. Click the Pages icon Pages icon and click Report pages.
  2. Click the Toolbox icon The toolbox icon, drag Report reference to the Report pages pane.
    The Choose report window opens.
  3. Locate the report that you want to add as a report reference and double-click it.
    Tip: If you want to change the report reference, from the Properties pane, double-click the Referenced report property and choose a different report.
  4. Optional: Create a table of contents entry for the booklet item by modifying properties in the Properties pane, in the Table of contents group.
    1. Set the Table of contents entry property to Yes.
    2. To roll up table of content entries for the booklet item into the report booklet, set the Roll up table of contents property to Yes.
    3. Specify the starting heading level for the booklet item by typing a value in the Start heading level property.
      For example, if you specify 2, all table of content entries for the booklet item have section numbers that start at 2.
  5. To render prompt pages that exist in the booklet item when the report is run, set the Show prompt pages property to Yes.
  6. Specify how to handle saved parameter values that come from the booklet item when the report is run by clicking one of the options in the Saved parameter values property.

    Parameter values include signon, validation, and prompt information, and they are saved on the IBM Cognos server.

    • If you do not want to use saved parameter values from the booklet item, select Ignore.
    • If you want to use saved parameter values from the booklet item, select Merge.

      When Merge is selected, parameter values that come from the booklet item are merged with parameter values that come from the report. If the same value exists for both the booklet item and the report, the booklet item value is ignored.