Including configuration objects when you import a deployment archive of the entire content store

You can include configuration objects when importing an entire content store. For example, you might want to import the configuration because you have a series of advanced settings for your services that you want from the source environment.

By default, configuration objects are excluded when you import an entire content store, even though they are included in the export. Configuration objects include dispatchers and configuration folders used to group dispatchers.


  1. In IBM Cognos Administration, on the Configuration tab, click Dispatchers and Services.
  2. Click the dispatcher you want.
  3. Next to ContentManagerService, click the set properties icon.
  4. Click the Settings tab.
  5. In the Value column, click Edit.
  6. Select the Override the settings acquired from the parent entry check box.
  7. In the Parameter column, type the following uppercase text:


  8. In the Value column, type true.
  9. Click OK to finish.