The Great Outdoors Sales model

This model contains sales analysis information for the fictional company, The Great Outdoors. The model accesses a transactional system.

This sample model is located in c10_location\webcontent\samples\models\great_outdoors_sales.

The sample model contains these views:

  • Database view

    Contains the query subjects that were imported from the data source. Because this is a transactional data source, most of the fact tables do not have keys. In some cases, we used multiple-part keys and in other cases, model query subjects were added to calculate the keys and to resolve ambiguous cardinality.

    All joins and determinants are defined in this view.

  • Business view

    Contains model query subjects and reference shortcuts that represent the data in terms of business or application needs. Calculations, including ones for language, are defined in this view.

  • Dimensional view

    Contains regular dimensions, measure dimensions, and scope relationships. The dimensions are based on the model query subjects in the Business view.

    This is also where the query subjects are renamed, if needed.

  • Analysis view

    Contains the part of the model that is visible in the studios for the analysis (dimensional) package.

    Shortcuts to the regular and measure dimensions in the Dimensional view are grouped in star schemas and placed in the root of the model in folders, one for each business area. They are clearly marked with "(analysis)" at the end of the name. They are not in a separate namespace because that would add another level in the metadata tree in the studios.

  • Query view

    Contains the part of the model that is visible in the studios for the query and reporting package.

    Shortcuts to the model query subjects in the Dimensional view are grouped in star schemas and are placed in folders, one for each business area. They are clearly marked with "(query)" at the end of the name in the root of the model.

In addition, there are packages in the sample model: one for analysis and one for query and reporting. You cannot use the query and reporting package in IBM® Cognos® Analysis Studio.