Using latitude and longitude locations in a map

When you use a map in a dashboard, you can show data for multiple layers: regions, points, and latitude/longitude locations.

Before you begin

To use latitude/longitude locations in your map, use a data source that contains latitude and longitude data. For example:
Table 1. Example table with latitude and longitude data
City Longitude Latitude Rating Surveys
Antwerp 4.402771 51.260197 7 30.000
Brussels 4.355607 50.878899 9 76.000
At the top of the data slot pane, click the down arrow and select Latitude/Longitude.
Note: The format of the longitude and latitude data must be as follows: Lat 51.260197 , Long 4.402771. The format 51° 26' 01.97'' N , 4° 40' 2.771'' E is not supported.


  1. Click New and then click Dashboard.
  2. Leave the default values in the Select a template window and click OK.
  3. In the left pane, click the Visualizations icon Visualization types icon, and then click the Map icon.
  4. In the left pane, click Sources, and then click Add a source. Select a data source that contains longitude and latitude data.
  5. In the visualization, expand and select Longitude/Longitude.
  6. In the left pane, expand your data items and drag latitude and longitude to the Latitude and Longitude data slots.
  7. Drag City to the Label data slot. The latitude, longitude, name of the city appears when you hover over the data points.
  8. Drag rating to the Size data slot and drag Surveys to the Color data slot.