Advanced settings configuration

You can configure advanced settings globally, for the whole IBM Cognos environment, or individually, for a dispatcher or a dispatcher service. The best practice is to specify the settings globally, and then customize the values for specific dispatchers or dispatcher services, if required.

Advanced settings are associated with the configuration entry in IBM Cognos Administration. The settings are grouped in the logging, tuning, environment, and administrator override categories.

When you specify the advanced settings globally for the configuration entry, the values you specify are acquired by all contained entries, unless the property of the contained entry is set to override the global settings. You can override the global settings to provide customized values for specific entries; however, this can increase the administration overhead.

You must have the following access permissions for the configuration entry and the affected child entries to change advanced settings:
  • Read and write permissions for the entry that you want to update
  • Traverse permissions for the parent of the entry that you want to update