Add background effects to a chart

Background effects include borders, fills, drop shadows, images, texture effects, and bevel effects.


  1. Click the chart object.
  2. To apply a preset background fill effect, from the report object toolbar, click the Background effects presets icon background effects icon.
  3. In the Properties pane, under Color & background, double-click the Background effects property.
  4. Select one or more of the following:
    • To apply a border, click Border and specify settings for border style, width, color, corner radius for rounded rectangles, and transparency.

      If the element also includes a fill with a transparency setting, select the Allow transparent bleed check box to apply the same transparency to the border.

    • To apply a fill effect, click Fill and specify the settings. The fill effect can either be a solid color, a gradient, or a pattern. You can define a gradient fill effect as a linear, radial line, or radial rectangle gradient.
    • To apply a drop shadow effect, click Drop shadow and specify the shadow color, transparency value, color, and offset settings. The default horizontal and vertical offset is 5 pixels.
    • To specify one or more images as a background, click Images. You can specify the transparency value and the position for each defined image. You can also specify a custom position for each image.

    Tip: To remove the effect, clear its check box.

  5. To add a texture effect, in the Properties pane, under Color & Background, select an option under Material effects.
  6. To add a bevel, in the Properties pane, under Color & Background, double-click the Bevel property and click a bevel effect.
    Note: To see the Bevel property in a bar chart, you must first select the Series (primary axis) object in the chart.