You must set up the JDBC driver on all Application Tier Components computers with a connection to the logging database. You must also set up the JDBC driver on the Content Manager computer, unless you are using the same type of database for the log messages as you use for the content store.
- On the computer where the Oracle client is installed, go
to the ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib directory.
Copy the correct library file for your version of the Oracle client to the
install_location\drivers directory on the computer where
Content Manager is installed and where notification is sent to an Oracle database.
If you are using Oracle version 12c Release 2, you must have the ojdbc8.jar.
If you are using Oracle version 12c Release 1, you must have the ojdbc7.jar.
If you are using Oracle version 11g Release 2, you must have the ojdbc6.jar.
The files are available from an Oracle client or server install, and can also be downloaded from
the Oracle technology Web site.